+52.55.7891.8774 contact@WildAMI.org

The Wildlife Adaptive Management Institute -WildAMI- works to conserve and restore wildlife populations in México and Latin America by engaging and making participant undergrad, master and PhD students / graduates in action research expeditions, collaborating with wildlife researchers, protected area managers and the local community.
Participate with us to gain field experience in conservation management, contribute to tackle wildlife extinction, obtain the data for your thesis and implement action research.

Conservation Themes

/View All Themes
Wildlife corridors and habitat connectivity
Sustainable Rangeland Management
Monitoring species populations and habitats
Environmental Education for Wildlife Conservation.

Our priorities

Golden Eagle

A top predator playing a fundamental part in the adequate functioning of the habitat it lives.

Baird’s Tapir

A very important seed disperser, it ensures the survival of plant species in the jungle.


It plays a crucial role balancing the population of other species and maintaining the structural integrity of the ecosystem.

Mexican Wolf

It stabilizes the food chain dynamics in the forest, other species deeply depends on the remains of prays it leaves behind.


Collaborating with 4 Protected Areas

Get to know where we work.

APFF Maderas del Carmen

The region has become a significant example of conservation, it is a biological corridor consisting of 5 Protected Areas in Mexico and 3 in the USA. There you can find iconic endagered species such as black bear, bison and golden eagle.


Why Collaborate With Us?

Work with the experts

Implement Actions Research

Gain field experience