+52.55.7891.8774 contact@WildAMI.org

About Us


We work to conserve endangered species and the natural world collaborating with the local community and driving an efficient management of Protected Areas.


A world with a thriving wildlife cohabiting with a society caring for nature.

Target ecosystems

  • Coastal and Wetlands.
  • Dry Tropical Forest.
  • Temperate Forest
  • Grassland

Building Blocks

The foundations of WildAMI began after several years of working for the conservation of endangered species in Latina America and Africa. While working in Protected Areas, we learned that conservation actions targeting endangered species have a broken continuity. When new funding would become available, oftentimes Protected Area Managers had to start over, having lost valuable information and community collaboration.

As a result of this observation, we created a self-sustaining program to implement action research for wildlife conservation. We strive to ensure that our work and our actions are sustainable and have a long-lasting impact on the areas and communities we serve.

Through our collaborative efforts, all stakeholders involved in the work will actively engage in the preservation of wildlife. We make sure successful conservation approaches have collaborations between Protected Area (PA) Managers, endangered species experts, and the local community. 

The Approach

Our model involves the collaboration of endangered species experts, protected area managers, researchers and local communities working together with our collaborators. We advance the recovery and conservation of endangered species by strengthening the Protected Area Management System and thus creating and conserving biodiversity in areas where it has been lost, threatened, or is in crisis.

The Science

Adaptive management recognizes that management actions create opportunities to learn and improve. The adaptive management cycle is a structured, continual process that provides a basis for robust decision-making in the face of uncertainty through the use of monitoring and learning feedbacks.


Team Profile

We are an interdisciplinary group of practitioners and researchers working in collaboration with international agencies, government officials, local NGOs and, most importantly, the local communities. We have a passionate dedication to advance biodiversity conservation in collaboration with different stakeholders to create inclusive and participatory processes.

Our combined experiences and backgrounds form a robust knowledge base on endangered species, ecosystems, Protected Areas, local populations, socioeconomic factors, and political forces. Collectively, we dedicate our lives and daily efforts to our shared passion: actively participating in the conservation of the natural world.

How We Do It

The Wildlife Adaptive Management Institute -WildAMI- works to conserve and restore wildlife populations in México and Latin America by engaging and making participant undergrads, masters and PhD students /graduates in action research expeditions, collaborating with wildlife researchers, protected area managers and the local community.

Participate with us to gain field experience in conservation management, contribute to tackle wildlife extintion, obtain the data for your thesis and implement action research.